Follow Friday: Fashionatelyinlove


Happy Friday!  Today  I’m featuring fashion blogger Kate Soffner,  the boss lady behind  Kate has been involved in fashion for almost ten years, but her true passion is styling.  She recently moved from Boston to Charleston, S.C. and is extremely excited to share her exploration through her blog.  Fashionately In Love is a place where Kate shares her personal style, travel, style tips and much more!   I asked Kate a few personal and style questions so you can get to know her better!  Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram:  @Fashionatelyinlove

Who is your style icon and why?

-Rihanna, because she is fearless and can pull off anything.

What is your favorite trend for fall?


What 3 films/shows have the most inspiring fashion to you?

– American Hustle, Gossip Girl, and of course Sex & The City—it is timeless!

How would you describe your style?

-Eclectic with an edge

What is the most beautiful place in the world to you?

-I have never been there, but I find Santorini, Greece intoxicating.

What movie or TV show can you not stop quoting?

-The Office

What section of your wardrobe is the most important to you?

– Bags

If budget were no object, what item would you buy?

– An Alexander McQueen gown

If you could meet one designer, who would it be?

– Sarah Burton

What is your favorite part about blogging?

– All of the people I have met! It has opened so many doors and friendships.

Random fact about yourself:

– When I was younger I wanted to be a forensic scientist.